Where did you start your journey?
One year ago, at the age of 33, Derron Hunt began his “ultimate transformation”. Weighing in at 260 lbs and 31% body fat, Derron was aware of the gradual weight gain but had no idea where the state of his physical health had ventured throughout the last few years.
How did you feel?
Derron moved throughout each day feeling the weight of fatigue and the drag of the daily walk up the stairs. Although he was still active, especially with his kids, it always took a lot out of him to be able to play and spend quality time with them. This state even affected his quality of sleep, causing him to develop an acute sleep apnea which made me feel even worse throughout the day.
Breaking Point!
Derron realized he was at his breaking point and out of shape when he attended a U48 Fitness boot camp hosted at his church. At the time, Derron couldn’t help but think of his doctor’s concern of his current stage of obesity that was notably unhealthy for his age. He thought of the common health issues that struck his family such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even cancer. All of these obstacles motivated Derron to improve his health and make a change for himself and his family, who needed a healthy dad and husband.
What did he do?
Although Derron could have chosen to become a victim of his predispositions, he decided to make a change and seek out help from U48 early in 2017 by joining UFIT (interval training program). Knowing that his goals required much more than one decision, but an actual lifestyle change, Derron was intentional in keeping an open mind as to what he needed to do on a daily basis in order to stay on track with his health and fitness journey.
“My eating habits have definitely changed since joining. I have cut sodas and sweet drinks and increased my water intake drastically. Just cutting out the things that I know are not good for my body was a huge change. Now I am conscious of what I eat while still maintaining a meal plan recommended by U48 coaches that allows my body to thrive. This part of my journey is still a work in progress.”
What changes have you noticed?
“I have noticed a change in my energy and endurance. Just seeing myself get smaller and smaller has been crazy. I am now wearing sizes that I have not worn since high school. I don’t think I have ever really been this much in shape my whole life. Just even seeing the muscle definition has been to mind blowing for myself.”
Where are you going?
“My Goal was to get to at least 200 lbs. which I have achieved, but now I am working towards toning and maintaining!”
What would you share with someone who is currently where you started?
“I definitely would tell them to not be ashamed of where they are but be motivated about where they can be once they put their mind to it. It seems extremely difficult at first, but by keeping a positive mindset and determination you can reach your goals. It’s crazy how many people at my job has said that just witnessing my journey has motivated them to make a change. That alone makes the work I put in worth it.”
Total weight loss: 60lbs Bf: from 31% – 14.2%
“UFIT has definitely changed my life. Not only the workouts but the family I have gained from it has been amazing. The dynamic of each workout is great. This program allows you to get the best out of each workout no matter where you are physically, while also pushing you to reach past your limits. Besides getting married and having kids this has been the best decision I have ever made for myself and my family.”