UGROUP - Small Group Training With Personal Training Attention

Our Mission

Our mission is to make fitness fun. We incorporate cardio, strength training, and endurance training into every session. UGroup is a group fitness class for everyone.


Bring yourself or you and your best friend, significant other, or your parents and let's have some fun! Every UGroup is fun, high energy training that can be modified based on YOUR experience and abilities.

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Small Groups Training With Personal Training Attention

In a small group atmosphere, our coaches can focus on your individual needs and goals. It's like personal training without the personal training price tag!

Your Group is Your Rock

UGROUP small group atmosphere allows your coach to concentrate on your goals even more and keep you to a higher degree of accountability. When you join a UGROUP or create your own, the members and the coach will keep you on track.

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Small Group Training Isn't Just About Fitness

UGROUP isn't just about fitness! Our on staff Nutrition Coach will evaluate your diet and advise on the changes you could make to get fitter and stronger.

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Want to Get Fit or Run a Marathon - No Problem

Regardless of what your personal goals are, UGROUP will help you get there. Want to run a marathon - we got you. Want to lose weight - your coach is the master of weight loss. Really need to get into that wedding dress - we will be there every step of the way.

Ready to be a Part of UGROUP?